Thursday, October 8, 2015

TDD and the Backwards Brain

This is a followup to the first article I posted about TDD and why it's so hard to learn and sustain.

In that first article, I proposed that TDD is hard because it requires Mastery, which takes a lot of time, and requires virtue and lots of practice.  Some might read that and think it's just a lot of philosophical mumbo-jumbo that doesn't really help anyone get closer to being able to understand and learn TDD, or get better at it, or keep doing it.

Some might think that the "Mastery" thing was just a lead up to a mention of Dan Pink's talk about "Drive," and the whole Autonomy, Mastery, and Purpose thing. Well, there I said it. Yeah, there's going to be a bit of that, too. But that's for later on.

Right now, I want to extend an olive branch to the practical-minded folks out there who didn't really know what to make of the whole Mastery thing from the last article. I want to give you something more scientific, more fact-based, or at least empirical. I present, for your enjoyment and edification, the "Backwards Brain Bicycle!"

Go ahead and watch that video first. It's only about seven minutes long.

Interesting, isn't it? Do you think you could ride it? Do you think you could handle that kind of frustration and perhaps even, humiliation?

Let's go over some of the points that were made by Destin (that's the guy's name, in case you didn't catch it. Yeah, just like that one time, in Florida, where you went for Spring break...)

Point #1: Knowledge IS NOT Understanding 

Just because you have knowledge about something doesn't mean that you understand it. To fully understand the Backwards Brain Bicycle, you have to actually get on it and learn to ride it. A lot of people tried it but were unsuccessful.

It's the exact same thing with TDD!

Just because you know about Red-Green-Refactor, that you're supposed to write tests first, follow Uncle Bob's Three Rules and Kent Beck's Four Rules of Simple Design, know about SOLID, DRY, SLAP, GRASP, KISS, ... (Wait, what?! Are we still talking about software development here? Because it was starting to sound like we might need a "safe word"... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ )

Ok, so maybe you didn't realize that there was so much to know besides that catchy TDD mantra. Well, that's kind of what I was getting at with the Mastery thing, too. But I digress.

To fully understand TDD, you have to experience it yourself. You have to fire up your IDE, create a new test, and somehow get past that awkward moment when you're just sitting there staring at the monitor and realize that you have not the slightest clue of what test you should write first. And you sit there valiantly fighting the urge to navigate out of the /src/test folder and go back to the /src/main folder where you're much more comfortable whipping out code.

You have to spend the time to rewire your brain somehow and break it of its long-time habit of writing production code first, and thinking that tests should be written afterwards. You now have to make it follow this weird, backwards way of writing programs. And that process of retraining your brain takes time. And it takes a lot of patience, discipline, humility, perseverance, practice, practice, practice, ... hmmm, does that sound familiar?

Point #2: The algorithm is just that complicated!

Destin says, "Think about it (the algorithm for riding a bicycle): downwards force on the pedals, leaning your whole body, pulling and pushing the handle bars, gyroscopic precession in the wheels... every single force is part of this algorithm and if you change any one part, it affects the entire control system."

Again, this is the same situation we have with TDD. As I mentioned above, there are a lot of things you have to think about when you're writing software. For years, your brain has been trained to think in a certain way, and then suddenly, you tell it to do the exact opposite. And that's not even the start of it!  We're not just changing one thing, we're throwing a whole toolbox of monkey wrenches at your brain!

Need I go over what those monkey wrenches are again? Uncle Bob's Three Rules, Kent Beck's Four Rules, SOLID, DRY, ... "Omaha!!!" (that's our safe word).

Which brings me to Destin's most obnoxious point and most ego-crushing realization that you must resign yourself to accept:

Point #3: You can't ride this bicycle! You might think you can, but you can't!

Likewise, very few people can really grok TDD without a struggle, with little effort. You can't just read a book or watch a video about TDD, or go to a five-day coding boot camp or whatever, and think that you're going to go back to work and merrily start whipping out tests and production code, in that order.

Destin claims it took him eight months of trying, spending five minutes every day practicing (that adds up to a lot of practice), wrecking, and putting up with his neighbors' teasing, before he could ride the backwards brain bicycle.

It took me two years of dedicated solo TDD practice, probably spending four extra hours a week on top of the time that I put in at work, before I finally got a hang of TDD. I can't pinpoint the exact moment in time and I don't even know if there was one particular moment when the "switch flipped" and I was off to the TDD races.

Point #4: One day I couldn't, the next day I could!

Unlike Destin's experience with learning to ride the backwards bicycle, I don't think I had that kind of magical moment that I can pinpoint in my TDD practice. I can't say it was a gradual thing either though. I don't know, maybe I was just too caught up in a moment of ruthless refactoring to realize that I was actually doing it well. It was probably more of a "you don't know how much fun you're having until you look back and recall how much fun you had before" kind of thing for me.

At any rate, it doesn't happen overnight but it does seem like all of a sudden the things you used to struggle with, the things you thought were so backwards and against the grain of the way you are used to doing things doesn't seem that way any more. At least not as much.

And so, we come to the final point I'd like to highlight:

Point #5: You're looking at the world with a bias, whether you like it or not.

Remember how it took Destin's son only two weeks to learn to ride the backwards bicycle versus his eight months? Destin speculated that this was because kids have better neuroplasticity and could adapt more quickly to the new control algorithm of the backwards bicycle.

Maybe that's also why younger and less experienced developers seem to be able to pick up on TDD much faster than the ones with more experience. It's not always the case but I've seen it often enough to think that it might be a common thing.

I think this is one of the biggest challenges in being able to grok TDD.  We all carry some kind of bias because it naturally comes with experience. That experience came at a personal cost. We've all worked hard and even made sacrifices to gain the knowledge and skills we have, knowledge and skills that are based on principles we have long stood for and defended as a mark and measure of our professionalism. That's not something that everyone will just willingly toss out the window.

But then again, that's a kind of bias too, isn't it? What if we change our mode of thinking? What if we, in the same spirit of TDD, flip our thinking around instead?

What if, instead of seeing it as a loss of the investments we've made in becoming the professionals we are today, we see it as an opportunity to diversify? Let's take the gains of our past labors and apply them to a new venture, one that can potentially give back huge returns if we're just willing to tough it out for a while, go back to square one, and see this thing through all its growing pains, and power through the suck zone until we finally land in that sweet kick ass zone.

What do you think?

In the next few installments, I'll start ramping up on the TDD code examples but I'll be using them mostly as the basis for further discussion about principles, philosophy, and mindset.  

In the meantime, I'd love to hear from you about your own experience with TDD and how you did, good or bad, successes and failures. All relevant comments are welcome and appreciated.

Next: TDD and that First Awkward Moment

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